Ref. WEVVH2024008

Storage for rent

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Your expert
Sophie Beeuwsaert
More about
this garage
Storage space for rent of 2.5m by 2m for 45 euros/month.
Details of
the garage
General info
  • General condition
    new construction
Total surface area
Flood sensitivity (Wallonia, Brussels)
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
Legal & info
1) Urban development destination

Ra: Residential area
Rcha: Residential area with a cultural, historical and/or aesthetic value
Rp: Residential park
Rea: Residential expansion area
RaLc: Residential area with rural character
Ia: Industrial area
Ici: Industrial area for craft industries or areas for small and medium-sized enterprises
Dra: Day recreation area
Raa: Recreation accommodation area
Cpua: Community and public utility area
Aa: Agricultural area
Lvaa: Landscape with valuable agricultural area
Fa: Forest area
Na: Natural area
Nr: Nature reserve
Pa: Park area
Udna: Urban destination not available

2) Protected heritage: yes or no
3) Listed heritage:

Inventory of archaeological zones
Inventory of architectural heritage
Inventory of historic gardens and parks
Inventory of woody plants with heritage value
Landscape atlas
not applicable

4) Inspection certificate for electricity: yes (conform or not) or no
5) Renovation obligation: yes or no
6) Flood report:

Plot score or P-score: A: no flooding modelled B: small probability of flooding under climate change C: small probability of flooding D: medium
probability of flooding

Building score or G-score: A: no flooding modelled B: small probability of flooding under climate change C: small probability of flooding D: medium
chance of flooding

Location in signal area: yes or no
Location in defined riparian zone or defined flood plain: yes or no

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